Samantha Phelix, D.D.S.

“One patient in particular stands out to me when I think about this. Seeing their reaction at each phase of treatment as we transformed their smile to what they had always envisioned were some of the most rewarding days I had while at WVU School of Dentistry.”
Winfield, WV
Undergraduate degree
Biology, BS, WVU
What do you take the most pride in from your career as a professional student at WVU School of Dentistry?
Watching the progress as your patient moves through their treatment plan and seeing the transformation some of them make is the most rewarding aspect of this profession to me. One patient in particular stands out to me when I think about this. Seeing their reaction at each phase of treatment as we transformed their smile to what they had always envisioned were some of the most rewarding days I had while at WVU School of Dentistry.
What surprised you about your dental school experience?
The people. I started dental school with the expectation that I would leave with the skills needed to begin my career as a competent and well-rounded dentist, which has absolutely happened, but I never could have guessed that the friendships and mentorships I would develop over the past four years would have such a significant impact on my life. The friendships I’ve gained from this program I’m confident will be lifelong.
What are you excited for next?
It’s bittersweet to be leaving WVU after being here for eight years now, but I am so excited to begin my career as a general dentist. I am thankful for my time here and feel confident in the knowledge and skills I have gained throughout the past four years. I have a great mentor who I will be working with as I begin my career, and I can’t wait to start treating my own patients while continuing to grow as a dentist.