Kayley Sisler, B.S.D.H.

“When comparing WVU School of Dentistry to other dental hygiene programs, I knew WVU was my best option since I would be able to get my bachelor's degree versus an associate's. A bachelor's degree in dental hygiene comes with a lot of job opportunities.”
Garrett County, Maryland
What made you want to earn your dental hygiene degree?
I knew I wanted to do something in the dental field as a career. After working as a dental assistant for a year, I decided that dental hygiene was what I wanted to do so I took the leap and couldn’t be happier about my decision.
Why did you choose to earn your degree at WVU?
When comparing WVU School of Dentistry to other dental hygiene programs, I knew WVU was my best option since I would be able to get my bachelor's degree versus an associate. A bachelor's degree in dental hygiene comes with a lot of job opportunities.
What surprised you about your dental hygiene experience?
I had a baby during sophomore year and still managed to make it through the program. It was very tough, but with the support of my family, friends and faculty I knew it was possible. My daughter was and still is my biggest motivation to keep pushing.
Has your journey through dental school help define your purpose?
Absolutely. My daughter is my purpose in all that I do and I hope she grows up knowing that anything is possible and that if she has a dream to chase it. I will be her biggest supporter no matter what she decides to do.
What are you excited for next?
I am most excited to start my career as a dental hygienist and grow my family. Being a mom is the absolute best thing in the world and I feel so thankful that I have the life I do.