Alumni Photos

Alumni event photos are uploaded to the WVU School of Dentistry SmugMug Alumni Association gallery as often as possible. Visitors to the site can view and download individual photos or complete albums for free.

1. Go to the Alumni Association gallery.

Alumni smugmug gallery

2. Click your album of choice. For example, if you click 'Spring 2023 Alumni Weekend,' you should see this page:

Alumni smugmug folder

3. Click on the individual picture you want to download and click the down arrow on the left. The download arrow is circled in red below.

Down arrow on left of page

4. To download an entire album of photos, click on the album and then click the down arrow near the top right of the page beside the green 'buy photos' button. It is highlighted and circled in red below. 

Download all pictures in album

Whether downloading a single picture or full album, the pictures will be saved on the device you are using.