
ENDO 681. Fundamentals of Endodontics. 1 Hour.

This course aims to provide the first year Endodontic trainees with foundational knowledge in endodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment procedures, prognosis and contemporary research prior to starting patient care in the Endodontics Clinic.

ENDO 682. Fundamentals of Endodontics Laboratory. 2 Hours.

This laboratory course is designed to mimic the technical skills required for patient care. Trainees will practice the techniques discussed and demonstrated in ENDO 681. Residents will become familiar with the Endodontics Clinic, instrumentation, materials and the surgical operating microscope. Instructors will be able to assess the resident as they observe the demonstration of technical skills required.

ENDO 683. Endodontic Classic Literature Review. 1 Hour.

Provides seminar discussions in the topics of: basic endodontic techniques, advanced endodontic techniques, endodontic literature review, case presentation, advanced endodontic theory and legal aspects of clinical practice.

ENDO 684. Endodontic Current Literature Review. 1 Hour.

Provides seminar discussions in the topics of: current endodontic techniques, current endodontic literature review and legal aspects of clinical practice.

ENDO 685. Endodontic Case Review and Analysis. 1 Hour.

PR: ENDO 682. Advanced education students in endodontics apply critical thinking skills while presenting comprehensive cases with endodontic conditions utilizing diagnosis and treatment planning options considered through a problem-based approach. Students are also expected to apply critical thinking skills to the review of endodontic books and current literature pertaining to the field of endodontics and pulp biology to justify treatment approaches.

ENDO 688. Clinical Endodontics. 1-5 Hours.

(May be repeated for credit.) PR: Graduate of an accredited dental school and admission to the advanced education program in endodontics or consent. Clinical endodontic practice in the areas of: ordinary endodontic cases, complex endodontic cases, hemisection, root amputation, replantation, transplantation, endodontic implantation, vital pulp therapy, apexification and bleaching.

ENDO 690. Teaching Practicum. 1-3 Hours.

PR: Consent. Supervised practice in college teaching of dentistry. Note: This course is intended to ensure that graduate assistants are adequately prepared and supervised when they are given college teaching responsibility. It also provides a mechanism for students not on assistantships to gain teaching experience.

ENDO 691. Advanced Topics. 1-6 Hours.

PR: Consent. Investigation of advanced topics not covered in regularly scheduled courses.

ENDO 697. Research. 1-15 Hours.

PR: Consent. Research activities leading to thesis (697), problem report (697), research paper or equivalent scholarly project (697), or a dissertation (797). (Grading may be S/U.)