Are you destined for dentistry?

In the spring, aspiring dentists spend a fast-paced day walking the same path our current students take toward realizing dreams of becoming clinically excellent, compassionate practitioners.

A day as a dental student.

An early start prompts engaging discussion and post-graduate level seminars with our expert faculty.

Later, in our dental labs, Destination Dentistry participants go beyond an understanding of basic sciences.

Hands-on activities replicate an environment where precision and creativity are both important.

An exploration of our Health Sciences Center clinics places Destination Dentistry candidates directly in the operatories where our dental students administer care to improve oral and overall health.

Beyond the curriculum.

While Destination Dentistry participants experience a day that mirrors daily life in dental school, they should prepare for insight in a number of areas to invigorate interest in one of the nation's top-ranked professions:

  • Application procedures and admission criteria
  • Dental career opportunities
  • Academic expectations
  • Clinical skills
  • Linkages between oral health and overall health


Space is limited to 40 participants for this opportunity. Early registration is strongly recommended. Priority is given to:

  • Residents of West Virginia
  • Upperclassmen
  • Participants in DEAP or DentSTEP
  • Registrants who have not previously attended Destination Dentistry

Registration will close Friday, Feb. 21.

Please contact Office of Dental Admissions, Recruitment and Access Program Specialist Chasity Antonk if you have any questions.