A message from the dental school development director

Karen Coombs shares encouraging thoughts in COVID-19 crisis

West Virginia University School of Dentistry Director of Development, Karen Coombs, reaches out to the dental school community.  She shares the message below.

Dear Dental School Alumni and Friends,

While we are all adjusting to this new norm, taking everything day by day, please know that I continue to Karen Coombs is the WVU School of Dentistry Director of Development.look for opportunities for funding for the School of Dentistry. Working with a team here from the school, we recently submitted a request for funding for a grant opportunity with Dominion Energy. If funded, the $25,000 grant will support uninsured or underinsured patients presenting to the Urgent Care clinic for treatment – covering the costs for emergent care that many of you are involved in providing. Thank you all for doing what you do. I’ll continue to search for funds to help alleviate lost revenues and to provide for the School of Dentistry.

To that end, should anyone become aware of a possible funding opportunity, please contact me and I will research the possibility. E-mail the information to karen.coombs@hsc.wvu.edu and I will investigate. Thank you! We are all in this together!

-Karen Coombs, Director of Development, School of Dentistry